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Mangroves and vegetation

Díaz V. Marco L. March 16, 2007. Technical Report: Evaluation of a logged area at the mouth of the Tablas Abajo stream, District of Guararé, Province of Los Santos. 27 pages.

manglar guarare
mares de panama

Díaz V., Marco L. 2005. Marine and Coastal Ecosystems of Panama. PA.NA.MA Foundation University of Panama, Extension Vice-Rectory. Diploma in Management of Environmental Tourism Companies with an Emphasis on Bird Watching. 37 pages. Pages 6-18 to 6-30.

Basura Pedasi

Diaz V., Marco L.   1994.  Environmental Analysis of Contamination by Domestic Garbage in the Coastal-Marine Ecosystem and in the Fisheries of the Pedasí Region (Province of Los Santos).   Final Report Draft.   PROMAR Foundation.   October 21, 1994.   230 pages Chapters 1; 5; 6; 7; and Annex 3.


Díaz, Marco L. 2001. The Impact of Tourism on Panamanian Forests and Reefs. In  Panama: Biological Bridge.  Publisher: Stanley Heckadon.  Pages 214-219.

Diaz V., Marco L.   1992.   The mangrove: an underestimated resource.   NOTARACT: Supplement, Information Bulletin, West Panama ROTARACT Club.   July-August 1992: 4 p.


La Fragata, Informative Bulletin of GRUCOPE, Vol. 2 No. 2. Page 2.


La Fragata, GRUCOPE Informative Bulletin, Vol. 1 No. 3. Page 3.


La Fragata, Informative Bulletin of GRUCOPE, Vol. 2 No. 1. Page 3.

manglar pedasi
manglares panama

Diaz V., Marco L.   1988.  Let's get to know the mangroves.   Information Bulletin of the PANAMA Foundation, Vol. 3 No. 3: 6.

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